Every day in our life's journey holds its own special treasures, if we have eyes to see...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Ponderings on Summer's End

Poor neglected blog. 
You're just not keeping up with the times. But then, it's really not your fault that the summer has flown by with express train speed, blurring the flowers by the wayside. It's August, and you're still back in May.

But that's okay. Sometimes life is like that. Still I'd say it's time, now, to take what is left of these last couple of weeks, grasp time firmly by the hand or throat or whatever you can manage to get hold of, and slow. It. Down.

Breathe deep.  Notice the sky.
Make actual appointments to spend time with priority people (because
you know it rarely just "happens").
Do the necessary chores. Only the necessary ones. Then take the time gleaned from non-essentials and use them to restore your soul.

Ponder cloud pictures.
Stand under the trees and look up.
Sip excellent coffee. Nibble just a bit of chocolate.
And live. Really, intentionally experience these last summer days.
Yes, it's hot. But there's something soothing about breathing pre-warmed air. As if God has been there first.

Yes, there are a multitude of things all clamoring to be done. But separate them. Put the essentials in one pile and turn away from the rest. Then with careful, quiet fingers, sort gently through until all those treasured things large and small find their place in life. Slow that train down until individual flowers stand out in clarity, and when the moon comes up and the stars come out, you notice. Then go to sleep content with how you have wooed and wrestled time into something well-spent and rewarding.

So many beautiful things. Beautiful people. Beautiful truths.
We are closing in on the ending of summer, but I will not say there is so little time.
I will reorder time so that it stretches like the extension of eternity it really is.

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